What Did They Say? Vocabulary Terms for Pregnancy

What Did They Say? Vocabulary Terms for Pregnancy

“Good morning Mrs. Smith! We see that your EDD is tomorrow and you have not received any prenatal care. Wow, we better get started. First, we will need blood samples to run a Prenatal Panel. The tests will include a CBC, Antibody Screen, and Blood Typing. Our practice...
What is RhoGAM and who needs it?

What is RhoGAM and who needs it?

At the beginning of prenatal care, your doctor or midwife will likely run a series of blood tests. These should include: Complete Blood Count (CBC) to determine the quality and content of your blood. Blood Typing to determine your blood type and Rh factor (positive or...
The One Phrase You Need When Pregnant

The One Phrase You Need When Pregnant

Pregnancy You’re pumping gas at the station and an older woman across from you turns around, smiles, and asks how far along you are. After replying, she says “My [daughter, niece, friend, 3rd cousin’s neighbor once removed] just had a baby and during labor she...